Press Release
For Release May 11, 2012
Emerging from a pilot project in which several dozen Family cases have been successfully negotiated, Smartsettle is pleased to announce a new website that is focused on all types of Family conflicts:
Separation Agreements
Parenting Plans
Parent- Child Agreements
Elder Care
Estate Planning
The new website describes how couples or family members, with the assistance of Certified Smartsettle Facilitators can use the Smartsettle eNegotiation System to:
stay in control of their negotiation,
reduce stressful confrontations,
work at their own pace,
promote collaboration despite conflict,
effectively manage complex issues,
meet their needs while keeping their preferences confidential,
generate creative suggestions that address everyone’s interests, and
quickly reach a comprehensive formal agreement that is even better than fair.
Lawyers have described the Smartsettle eNegotiation system as elegant, impressive and well-suited to assisting couples and families seeking a formal agreement. The Smartsettle Family Resolution Centre is well positioned to serve the families of British Columbia as they enter an era governed by the new Family Law Act. The Act places clear expectations that couples will use mediation/negotiation services to reach formal agreements before taking their dispute to court.
The Smartsettle Family Resolution Centre is working with forward thinking lawyers and mediators to facilitate the intentions of the Family Law Act combining the legal expertise of lawyers with the mediation/negotiation capabilities of the Smartsettle eNegotiation system. An effective negotiation technology has become available at just the right time.
For more information please contact James Loewen at Smartsettle Family Resolutions Inc