Smartsettle Infinity is our flagship product, the epitome of augmented intelligence. Model, facilitate and manage any complex formal negotiation, build in interdependencies and constraints, and easily analyze and compare various options. Uncover hidden value and reach agreement in a fraction of the time. Infinity is suitable for almost any type of collaborative multi-party decision making application that you can imagine. Infinity can be configured to support a wide range of decision making processes from negotiation, facilitation and mediation to adjudication and arbitration.
INFINITY characteristics and benefits:
Convenient & Flexible
Face-to-face or online
Synchronous or asynchronous
Maximum party control
Comprehensive & Scalable
Any number of parties
Any number of issues
Any type of issue
Numerical or optioned
Any level of complexity
Safe and secure neutral site
Minimize bias
Collaborate without risk
no party ever sees another party's preferences
Smart & Efficient
Augment intelligence
Save time and money
Leave no value on the table
Infinity Intelligent Algorithms:​
Comprehensive Preference Analysis (CPA) - establishes intelligence
Visual Blind Bidding (VBB) - saves valuable time
Reward Collaborative Behaviour (RCB) - motivates collaboration
Fairness Enhancing Normalization (FEN) - encourages interest-based negotiation
Maximize the Minimum Gain (MMG) - uncovers hidden value
Smartsettle Infinity – the World’s Most Advanced Collaboration & Negotiation System
As the world’s most advanced negotiation system, Smartsettle Infinity can do what human minds alone cannot- model the problem, manage preference information, and quickly optimize solutions. Infinity supports an unlimited number of quantitative or qualitative issues between any number of parties in any combination of real-time and asynchronous negotiations, whether face-to-face or over great distances, anywhere on Earth. This technology is housed at a secure neutral site on the internet where adversaries are turned into collaborators.
Introducing Smartsettle’s patented multivariate preference-modeling, problem-solving engine.
Much more than simply providing the functionality of spreadsheets and calculators, Infinity captures the complexities of real-world situations and provides a practical real-time tool that modern negotiators, mediators, arbitrators, businesses and governments alike have hitherto only dreamed of. The introduction of Smartsettle to agreement building, dealmaking and dispute resolution can be likened to the advent of CAD software (replacing pencil and paper) for engineers and architects, to model complex structures and develop better plans.

Visual Blind Bidding within Infinity scales to any number of issues and parties virtually eliminating the negotiation dance that characterizes ordinary negotiations. Infinity also uses another optimization algorithm to Maximize the Minimum Gain, ensuring that no hidden value remains on the table. Dr. Ernest Thiessen’s research predicted 16% better results in a certain class of two-party problems. Our real-world experience is starting to produce results that confirm those predictions and we would like to demonstrate that to you too.
Smartsettle levels the playing field so that individuals can negotiate with corporations or much larger enterprises, and rewards professional negotiating behavior to move parties more quickly through to resolution. The culmination of decades of research and development by founder Dr. Ernest M. Thiessen and his team are behind the world’s first practical comprehensive collaboration system that may lead to a total paradigm shift in numerous industries.
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